Tracing People

We can find anyone - expert tracers in Dorset. Call 01202 366156 or send email to

Tracing people locating missing persons

We are adept at finding people using databases that the public do not have access to, or sometimes a mix of research and physical work

If someone exists, they can be found. sometimes the problem is one of also identifying who someone is - perhaps known only as 'John' and living in Christchurch, or 'Alison', a Physiotherapist in Dorset

With 25 years experience in tracking people down - including issing persons, homeless and children given up for adoption or a biological parent - we can locate anyone, and help with contact too

Corporate tracing bournemouth poole & dorset

Finding debtors, ex-employees for for commercial reasons for Dorset business

Tracing people

Locating adopted children, birth parents, missing persons, relatives for private clients

People tracing

Locating the beneficiaries to wills, or the defending party in litigation for Solicitors

Private Investigator

"searching the world for answers"

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